TAINA Platform passes Penetration Test with flying colours

TAINA passes CREST approved Penetration Test
Here at TAINA Information security remains our top priority, demonstrated by our ISO27001 certification status. We continuously test our platform to ensure the highest of security standards and best practices are always adhered to, using external consultants to verify its excellence. One such case of this is undertaking a recent round of CREST approved Penetration Testing (Pen Testing). The TAINA FATCA, CRS and QI Compliance Platform undergoes annual external pen tests to ensure from a data protection compliance and data security perspective that we continue to achieve a clean bill of health.
What is Penetration Testing?
Penetration testing, or more widely referred to as Pen Testing, is a simulated real world attack on a network, application, or system or in this such case the TAINA FATCA, CRS and QI Compliance Platform. Pen Testing is a software industry recognised approach that involves an external team of CREST certified experts, who actively try to ethically hack into an organization's system to expose and exploit potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
Why does the TAINA Platform undergo Penetration Testing?
Compliance with global data protection regulations remains a top priority for our clients which include global financial institutions of all types including Big 4. By undergoing pen testing we show our clients, partners and investors the following:
- Firstly, we show them that we take cyber security very seriously and we are always ready and able to answer any of their information security team's concerns and questions regarding their data protection requirements.
- Secondly, we also help manage and reduce our clients' risk, by identifying and remediating any software vulnerabilities that could potentially lead to cyber breach.
TAINA Penetration Testing Score
In an external penetration test of an organization's infrastructure and software platform, an organisation can receive one of five risk ratings namely; critical, high, medium, low and info. TAINA passed their Pen Test with flying colours receiving a phenomenal score of 10 lows and 2 info. Meaning the external CREST approved consultant found that the TAINA FATCA, CRS and QI Platform and infrastructure has no major vulnerabilities and continues to meet industry benchmark standards and complete routine maintenance tasks.
TAINA Approach to Internal Testing:
TAINA prioritises both Quality Assurance testing and Information Security testing. Our internal testing approach is not just about identifying bugs within the product, but also ensuring our product meets the business and data protection requirements of our clients and their customers and investors.
“Security is always number one on our list with any projects or tasks undertaken and constantly reviewed." said Shaun Boughey, Infrastructure Lead at TAINA Technology.
For more information on how our fully automated FATCA and CRS Validation platform can add value to your business, get in touch or request a demo to see it in action.