Unleashing the power of TAINA

TAINA are delighted to be working with a prestigious multi asset-class Trading Provider who has embedded the TAINA platform into their customer on-boarding tax validation process. This will reduce rejection rates, remove the need to complete paper tax forms, slash operational risk, boost productivity and ultimately get customers trading quickly rather than having to wait for tax forms to be validated through a very manual and cumbersome process.
TAINA is fast, flexible and integrates easily into portals and existing workflows using state of the art techniques and technology to link data and post back validation results in real-time using our standards based APIs. It can be deployed on premise or in the cloud and is quickly becoming the de facto standard way to reliably fix all of your FATCA and CRS validation challenges.
For more information on how our fully automated FATCA and CRS Validation platform can add value to your business, get in touch or request a demo to see it in action.