FATCA and CRS Remediation and Reporting Season

Are you ready for FATCA and CRS Reporting and Remediation Season?
January marks the start of tax reporting season, with the 31st of December being the data cut off for FATCA and CRS account holder information. Financial institutions are under continuous pressure with FATCA and CRS reporting deadlines quickly approaching. Learn how financial institutions clients and tax operations teams are being impacted by not having access to quality client data and lengthy data remediation cycles including;
- The lengthy and costly FATCA and CRS Year End process for tax operations teams
- Tax Authorities response to poor quality FATCA and CRS Reporting
- The impact of FATCA and CRS Remediation on the Customer Experience
Manual processes and outdated technology may have worked 5 years ago, however in today’s world it is imperative that financial institutions have access to quality data. Good data in leads to good data out for all of your tax reporting. This starts with having good onboarding, validation, and ongoing monitoring of change in circumstance processes in place.
TAINA’s fully automated FATCA and CRS Validation Platform is helping our customers make reporting periods more manageable and accurate. To find out more information on the challenges of reporting and remediation season, fill in the form to download the whitepaper below or, get in touch with us today.